Our Projects

Here, we share the success of our super clients since they started broadcasting our projects. And soon, yours?

Don't trust us blindly

We could go on and on about our vision of communication, our professional beliefs, our philosophy, etc., but we prefer to showcase what we do.

Cruel Pancake

The importance of customer engagement

This inspiring brand aimed to engage, qualify, and reward its community ahead of the ‘Kid With a Dream’ drop with an innovative treasure hunt retracing the life of Hugo Philip.

Discover the excellent results of this wonderful campaign.

Créations engagement client | customer engagement projects
Nos créations | our projects

Big Mamma

The impact of creative street marketing

Topbun successfully captivated passersby with a creative street marketing campaign, guiding them to their new Click&Collect point in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.

Over 50% of players made their way to this new point of sale. And all this, with Arnold Schwarzenegger breaking bricks with burgers.


An in-app and cookieless acquisition strategy

In just two months, our full-screen interactive ‘in-game’ advertising has allowed the brand to reduce its acquisition cost by 3.2 times, while significantly increasing downloads of its ‘Pomar de Prémios’ application.

We’re showing you the secret formula right now.

Une stratégie d'acquisition In-game | customer acquisition
Stratégie d'acquisition | customer acquisition
notoriété de marque | brand awareness Wethenew
notoriété de marque | brand awareness Wethenew


A captivating multichannel experience!

Our innovative treasure hunt, available on social media, offered a unique opportunity to engage, entertain, and reward the Wethenew community at Easter, while expanding their database.

A complete journey through the world of streetwear, with the added bonus of a click-through rate record for the brand.

Cruel Pancake

At the heart of customer loyalty

50 members of the CPK Club (and their +1) were invited to Hugo Philip’s brand’s 2-year anniversary at Consulat Voltaire, thanks to their skills (the fastest with the most correct answers) in a game sent via email to club members.

A demo is worth a thousand words!

password : simonleviev

Nos créations | our projects
Nos créations | our projects

Orientation Atlas

Gamify your campaign

Orientation Atlas aimed to captivate a young audience and demonstrate to them, in a playful and entertaining manner, how accounting plays a role in various aspects of everyday life.

Discover the effectiveness of advertising in video games.

TGV Lyria

A unique travel experience

Travel to Switzerland from Paris with this adventure by TGV Lyria, Switzerland Tourism, and Swiss Travel Pass.

Discover how we achieved the client’s goals by providing an immersive and captivating experience through an interactive game.

Jeu de piste | Interactive game
Jeu de piste | Interactive game

Our expertise is focused on crafting original concepts, creative design, and innovation, with the aim of providing advertisers and brands with unique and engaging experiences.

Betshot Studio - Nos créations | creative-studio - our projects 01
Betshot Studio - Nos créations | creative-studio - our projects 02
Betshot Studio - Nos créations | creative-studio - our projects 03
Betshot Studio - Nos créations | creative-studio - our projects 04