Create a fully immersive

As gamification experts since 2021, our mission is to make marketing more desirable, playful and immersive by leveraging new mobile trends.

We provide gamified interactive immersive unique emotional
experiences for everyone

Betshot Studio believes in the immense potential of immersive and interactive digital experiences to captivate audiences, communicate about events, generate qualified leads, and build customer loyalty. Gamification is the future, and at Betshot, we support brands in this exciting new era.

Expérience immersive | immersive experience by Nespresso
Expériences interactives et gamifiées | Interactive experiences - TikTok Live game
Expériences interactives et gamifiées | Interactive experiences - Réalité virtuelle

Create emotions

Expérience immersive | immersive experience

Who doesn’t love to play?

Play is an integral part of our universe and continues to captivate us.

Close your eyes and think of Pokémon, Super Mario, Tetris, Lego… It only takes a moment to dive back into those emotion-filled times.

That’s what Betshot Studio is all about… An explosive cocktail of dopamine delivered to your audience for better memorization of your campaigns and results far beyond your expectations.


million players are recorded in France, which is 7 out of 10 French people.

Source : SELL


81 %

Interactive content is 81% more effective at capturing people's attention than static content.

Source: Ion Interactive


44 %

Average opt-in rate across all our interactive experiences.

Source: Betshot Studio

Jeu de piste | Interactive game
Jeu de piste | Interactive game
Expérience immersive | immersive experience by Nespresso

Lead generation

Expérience immersive | immersive experience

Less intrusive, more immersive

We help brands build and leverage their most valuable asset: their data.

Our gamified experiences are a powerful tool to generate new leads and collect valuable first- and zero-party data: personal information, opt-ins, purchase intentions, product preferences, and more.

The impact of gaming

Expérience immersive | immersive experience

Maximize your ROI and boost your conversions


Strengthen brand awareness and positive perception among your target audience.

Drive-to- App Web Store

Generate qualified traffic to your application, website, or physical store to increase your visibility.

Lead generation

Convert prospects into qualified leads ready to engage further with your company.

It’s high time to write your story!
Let’s imagine your future brand experience together

As gamification experts since 2021, our mission is to make marketing more desirable, playful and immersive by leveraging new mobile trends.

As gamification experts since 2021, our mission is to make marketing more desirable, playful and immersive by leveraging new mobile trends.

Limitless creativity

Expérience immersive | immersive experience

Provide a real experience to your audience

Our creative studio is passionate about designing unique immersive experiences, blending emotions and sensations.

Through immersive marketing, integrating virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D design, we offer increasingly captivating and innovative experiences.

Our latest innovations

Targeted and tailored approaches according to your goals.


Lead generation

Get qualified leads through a results-driven model (fixed CPL).

It’s THE interactive format to drive traffic to your digital content (social media, website, podcasts) and generate qualified leads (emails + opt-ins)

Jeu de piste | Interactive game
Jeu de piste | Interactive game
Expériences interactives et gamifiées | Interactive experiences - Publicité interactive
Expériences interactives et gamifiées | Interactive experiences - Publicité interactive

Interactive advertising

Performance Marketing

We partner with you to make your brand visible to millions of viewers in some of the world’s most popular games through player-first interactive experiences. Gaming is a leaned in experience, so your ads should be too.

Tested. Researched. Player-Approved.


Beneficial regardless of your industry

Whether in email marketing, on your packaging, or in street marketing, immersive mobile mini-games are excellent ways to enhance audience engagement and loyalty while immersing them in your brand’s universe.

They also enable the collection of qualitative and quantitative data to maximize your opt-in rate and grow your leads database.

Expériences interactives et gamifiées | Interactive experiences - TikTok Live game
Expériences interactives et gamifiées | Interactive experiences - TikTok Live game

Twitch / TikTok Live games

The power of live marketing

Capture your audience’s attention with our Twitch/TikTok Live games.

Imagine every comment and like influencing the player’s progression in the live game.

Create recurrence and attract more and more followers who will actively engage with your brand.

Memorable experiences encourage users to interact with your brand and share their experience with their friends.

+ 2130504

people have already interacted with our experiences.

Cruel Pancake

Performance at the heart of the game

Cruel Pancake’s mission was to engage, qualify, and reward its community ahead of the launch of its new clothing collection ‘Kid With a Dream’ with an innovative treasure hunt game retracing the life of Hugo Philip (1,2M followers in Instagram).

Discover the excellent results of this gamified campaign.

Expérience immersive | immersive experience